Qualifying events for state employees
General information
You may make changes to benefits within 31 days of a valid
qualifying event.
A qualifying event may include a change in coverage or dependency
You must submit documentation to support the qualifying event.
Click here
for the documentation requirements.
The enrollment change form and documentation must be submitted at
the same time.
You may make changes to disability coverage or reduce supplemental life at
any time.
For more information about qualifying events, please review the
admin guide
I am a new hire and do NOT have a qualifying event
Transit and parking benefit changes
Supplemental life changes
The Hartford supplemental life is voluntary and may be changed at
any time, effective for the close of the month.
Any increase in supplemental life outside of the new hire window
require EOI (Evidence of Insurability). The Hartford will contact
you about this process.
Dependent children DO NOT require EOI.
You may make changes to benefits
within 31 days of a valid qualifying event.
A qualifying event may include a
change in coverage or dependency status.
You must submit documentation to support the qualifying
Click here
for the documentation requirements.
The enrollment change form and
documentation must be submitted at the same time.
You may make changes to disability
or reduce supplemental life at any time.
For more about qualifying events please review the administrative